Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How to think (and talk) about what you read

Today, we read the first chapter of a book called Anthem of a Reluctant Prophet.  Together, we recorded all the different ways we can think about, and interact with, text as we read.  We noted the following strategies:

  • asking questions
  • making predictions
  • making images in head (smells, sounds, pictures, textures, tastes)
  • making connections (to self, to world, to other texts)
  • making inferences (about character, setting...)
  • making note of unknown or puzzling words
  • analyzing literary elements (setting, character, plot, theme, conflict)
  • making note of rich, complex, thoughtful quotations
Groups then met to select their first chunk of reading, to be completed for Friday's class.  Students are also expected to create a "Page of Thoughts" to share with their Literature Circle on Friday.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Day Two and I didn't forget to post!

Look at me!  I'm a regular blogger.  Day two, and I'm managing to keep up with my posts.

Today in class, I allowed the students to complete the "Shawshank Redemption Literary Analysis," as there was not enough time last day for most people to finish.  Also, students signed out Literature Circle novels.  On Wednesday, we will be launching into our Literature Circle books, so make sure you bring your book with you!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

I am blogging. Yes, it's true.

I know, I know... it's hard to believe.  Barsky has a blog.  I thought I was joining the tech revolution when I updated my cell phone this past summer, and started (finally) sending text messages.  This?  Well this is reallly diving into it. 

Why did I do it?  Actually, a colleague convinced me that a class blog would make my life much easier.  Goeson, you better know what you're talking about....

So, my plan is to update the blog after each class, with information about how we spent class and any homework assignments due.  Also, any handouts distributed will be posted where you can access them.  I may also post information about writing contests, reviews of great books, poems I love, songs I think you should listen to.... You know, nerdy English teacher stuff.  You can't be surprised by this.